A Young Maiden's Prayer for Guidance

Abba Father, as I walk down this road, I pray for the strength to endure ever and always- always with Your ultimate purpose in mind. I pray that this journey would not be my own, but Yours; not my will, but Yours.
Thank You for Your precious, unending promise of no more tears... to redeem me from myself and my flesh; and restoration to me when I humble myself before You, my Maker and Creator ……You are the lover of my soul. All-consuming fire is in Your gaze. Jesus, I want You to know, I will follow You all of my days. For no one else in history is like You, and history itself belongs to You. Abba, You are author of my days. Let me always delight in You, so that You shall author the desires of my heart.

I want to dance with You, to delight in Your ways... to completely surrender to You. I pray that my hands should not wrap so tightly on anything earthly, because it is easier for You to pry them open if need be. I don't want to sit on the sidelines, but to be a team player for Your team. L-rd, I pray for guidance-G-d, You and I dance. Take the lead and I will follow. Take my heart, and form it. Take my will, and conform it to Yours. ....Take my words, and mold them into Your words. Take my actions, and make them ultimately point to You.

You are my Shepherd; lead me, guide me. By Your Word, Your path, Your plan, I will be a young lady, and one day a woman, who fears You... with You, I shall not want..

Trust in the L-rd, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the L-rd, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the L-rd, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.
~Psalm 37:3-5~