Candles and His Boundless Love

I was reading tonight, to my sweet little sister Grace-Hope. I may or may not have mentioned it in a previous post, but a couple of months ago, she and I started sharing a room. And I love it... my best little buddy ever <3  Tonight, for reasons unbeknownst to me, she decided to select a book for bedtime called Nightlights. I haven't read (or seen) it for years, but tonight it was pulled out, battered and loved. (I so enjoy a "loved" book.) Basically, it's a collection of poems for bedtime, each with a silent hidden message if one cares to look.

But since it's a rather long books, I only read a few of them. One leapt out to me in particular- Candles. I decided to share it with y'all. It's so sweet, innocent, childish... but in the same way- oh, I don't know; just has a little draw to it.


I love candles.

All kinds of candles.

tall graceful ones
tiny little ones
big fat ones
short candles in different colored glasses.

Have you ever noticed
that even the simplest candle
is beautiful the moment you light it?

Candles are for special occasions.
like birthdays

or maybe just because
someone special is coming to dinner.

Sometimes just lighting a few candles
makes an ordinary night
a special occasion.

Candlelight has the nicest way
of making everything look beautiful
a magical way of looking for the good in a thing
and making it light up.

That's what love does.

Don't you love candles?

Someone please tell me just why that appeals to me so much!!! "Candlelight has the nicest way
of making everything look beautiful.." "Have you ever noticed that even the simplest candle is beautiful the moment you light it?"   

"That's what love does."

And yes. Christ- shining through. G-d- making everything look beautiful  in His perfect time. My Jesus- making my nothing into His something. His light shining through me is something uncomprehendable. I am in awe even as I type this...

If you haven't read Crazy Love by Francis Chan, I highly recommend it. The "main" point (and yes, there are several) is that- really- isn't it amazing?!?!? G-d loves us?!?! He doesn't need us! And yet He wants us. Half the time we push Him away, walk off.  And yet He cares for us. So many times, I don't listen- a sorrowful heart follows. And yet, He lets me come back.

Have you ever avoided serving the L-rd because you were afraid of what a certain family member might say?  Or have you served the L-rd in secrecy because of what friends might say? I confess I have been guilty of it many times.

It's time to stop believing the lying whispers of the enemy, because "we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8). "Only by cultivating an appropriate attitude of shame towards the sin of human nature and controlling our own impulses can we reform the excesses of our modern culture." -Mark Hamby
As children of G-d, we have responsibilities. One of them is to study G-d's Word to show ourselves approved unto G-d, a workman who needs not be ashamed.

How He loves us... and how undeserving we are. Each and every day L-rd, use me. I am waiting on You.. teach me Your paths. I want to be Your light, not mine. Use me.

"Bind up these broken bones- mercy bend and bring me back to life.
But not before You show me how to die..."