I Could Have Danced All Night- Part Un

A week or so ago was the prom, hosted by my homeschool group, Desert CHEA (Christian Home Educators Association). I and a some dear friends helped out that morning on setting up- so much more fun than if you just arrive and see it. Since there are so many pictures, I thought I might divide this post up in to two.  And, since pictures are worth a thousand words, pretend you're reading a lonnnng detailed post, okay? ;)

Before the Magic Begins... ;D

lol. I can't come up with a creative title=P

My Second Sister Karah and Moi at Setup <3


And More Balloons...

Karah and I Taking Pictures of Our Silhouettes on the Wall

Blurry... but I LOVE how this picture just captures the feeling.
Sweet Zeekie and Kelly <3

My Marmee Insisted on Taking This Picture of Me that Afternoon
 Dancing All Night (Or at Least 'till 11 pm)
Met at Cheesecake Factory with Some of My Girls

Did I Ever Mention I Love love love Photography?
Food Photography?

Outside- Margaret, Victoria, Moi, Kendal, and Rachel

Dare We Enter?

Carleigh and Hannah R.

Hannah S. and Karah <3

Mitch and Alyssa Pulling for Prom Court

Me- *so* unexpected, so blessed.

My Beautiful Second Sister Kendal <3

This Silhouette Picture Reminds Me of Steven Curtis Chapman's Cinderella. Sad, I know, but if You've Seen the Music Video, You've Seen the Dancing Shadows..

Group Pic!

For the Sake of Sanity, Everyone Was Insane After it Was Over. =P
And that is sparkling cider, just for the record.

Me and Beautiful, Dear, Second Sister Karah <3

And that ends part one- next (if I can scramble up more pictures =P) will be the craziness that took place after my Daddy and I got home~!

I couldn't sleep tonight.
Not for all the jewels in the crown!
I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I've never done before.
I'll never know What made it so exciting.

Thanks for Enduring=D,