Of Peace and Sunlight

Three days ago, I went on a walk with my Daddy. A nice looooonnnnnggg walk. Clouds were just starting to loom, but as my Marmee dropped me off at the place where we were to walk, at 6:30 in the morning... the sunrise... oh, it was glorious! It was a quiet walk... but peaceful... and beautiful.

{Yes, we were walking a neighbor's dogs. Yes, this photo is unedited, except for my watermark. Isn't that light amazing?!?}.

Peace just echoed in my head... over and over... how can peace echo? Honestly, I don't know.
But it was beautiful.

Why does the sunrise appeal to me so much? Maybe because it is the beginning of a brand new day... maybe the imagery of G-d's voice calling to me, "Come away with Me, My child.." Maybe it's the memories that come, when I was little, Marmee's voice waking me up, "come and see G-d's light!" And then when Alexandrea was three years old, the thought of me basking in the rays rising over the hilltops into my window... I was so overjoyed I wanted Alexandrea to share it with me- "come and see G-d's light!"

Maybe the quiet worship that takes place... the realization every morning of a new day, "with no mistakes in it- yet!" {according to Anne Shirley}... and the wondrous feeling of being saved by grace... that He woke me up with new life.

I wonder what purpose He has put me here to fulfill... ponder when I will fulfill them...
Silent prayers... silent thanks.
Thoughts about the reality of Christ actually destroying death. And I get to go face my Savior with joy in my soul, and peace in my heart.

Just some... you know... thoughts... for today:-)
Thanks for listening

Many blessings on your day, friends <3 