Making Christmas Memories {1}

Hello Friends! After looking at a whole bunch of my favorite blogs such as this one and this one, and seeing all the fun stuff they were doing, I've decided to do a sort of Christmas Countdown of my own:-)
Except this one will be a little bit different, as each of them are...
I'll be posting videos of the "Christmas song of the day" and then talking a little bit about the names of Jesus that my family and I have been going over {like we do every year} with the help of Adorenaments from FamilyLife.

I'm so excited!

Let's get started...

1) Spoonful of Fun:-)

This is my absolute favorite ornament. Every year, I hang my Clara, Alexandrea hangs her Clara, and Grace-Hope hangs her SugarPlum Fairy. We love 'em. I almost said to bits, but then you wouldn't be seeing the ornament hanging there now, would ya? =P

For Kelsey's Photo Challenge:-)

2) Musik-Ness
This art my musik-ness today... I have this song on repeat. It's not necessarily a Christmas carol, but it's too much fun.

Several friends, Alexandrea and I will be visiting our own local Candy Cane Lane Monday night... guess what's probably going to be ringing through my head? ;)

3) Adore: The Light of the World

"Then Jesus again spoke to them saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life." -John 8:12.

Have you ever tried to walk into a dark room? When I was little to illustrate this, my Marmee turned out all the lights and had Alexandrea (then aged 3) and I (at six) try to figure out where we were. It was a fun, but sore, experiment. We caught her drift.


I used to wonder what it would be like if we didn't have then sun- dark and cold. jesus is the one who created light- the very first thing He created when He made our world. He wanted us to be able to see clearly, have light, and warmth. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed G-d by eating from the tree, a deep darkness came into the hearts of all men and left us all separated from the light of our G-d. We need to be made right with G-d again so we don't have to walk in darkness anymore- light in our hearts.

In the Bible, Jesus is called the "Light of the World." John 1:4-5 tells us, "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness..." Jesus is the light who makes the darkness in our hearts and souls disappear.

At Christmas-tide, many people decordate their houses and Christmas trees with lights- those lights remind us that Jesus is the Light of the world- we celebrate His birth. And G-d wants the Light of Jesus to shine through our hearts to others... by showing our love for family, friends, and neighbors. G-d wants them to see the good things that we do for His glory.

Love the L-rd your G-d with all your heart, soul mind and strength... and tell others about Jesus, the Light of the world.

"Light of the world, light up this day.
G-d, I long to see Your face
shine Your glory down..."

~Rebecca St. James {Shine Your Glory}
