Preventing Burnout

Characterized by anything from insomnia to amplified anxiety, from being easily triggered to emotionally overwhelmed & just.plain.exhausted, burnout can hit any of us at a certain time and place. Especially in our world as it is, where we’re not necessarily in a physical or tangible place to take care of people, learning how to be okay by ourselves & LOVE ourselves is a whole new ballpark. We can’t cover it up with doing (hello type three), we can’t pretend we’re healthy when we’re really feeling quiet (hello type two), and we can’t be as active as possible (type seven, I see you). So where’s the balance, and how do we keep an eye on our burnout barometer while still remembering other people also exist and are in need of our support? We’ve got to STAY HEALTHY, folks! 

Feeling an onset of unhealthy stress or emotions? I go to type six, feel myself slipping there, & immediately work on clambering out of the pit by using some of these tips. 

  1. Gratitude Breathing Exercises. #onceuponatime, I used to think meditation was a bit weird, extremely mundane, and altogether a bit much; now, I meditate & pray every morning and incorporate it into my post-workout stretch (plus yoga)...I can’t get enough. It’s a helpful tool for releasing, and steadying breath. Breathing is key!

  2. Prioritize Your Nutrition! If your brain is thinking about quitting early on, chances are you’ve run low on nutrients & need to re-stock those guy. Eat your leafy greens, incorporate your proteins, and make sure you’re getting that sunshine fruit in for a helpful vitamin boost. & if you can, check your blood levels. Something more serious could be setting things off - for me, that’s my iron levels.

  3. Set your personal boundaries. & don’t let anyone change them. Speaking within reason of course; but knowing things about yourself & what YOU can control (I.e., when your bedtime / rising times are and sticking with them create an internal alarm) play into how you manage your day. Crazily enough, I notice when I keep to my 10:15-30 bedtime/6am wake up call, I’m actually less tired throughout the day. Your body craves pattern, even if your mind doesn’t.

These are my top tips to get out of my rut, get creative juices flowing, and feel just as confident on my working days and resting days alike. What do you do to avoid burnout?