
When I first walked into my apartment, all I could stare at was the tree, outside this incredible balcony window. 

I didn’t notice that the leaves were crunchy, or nonexistent in general. 

I didn’t realize the dust collecting on our space was because of the lack of water. 

All I could see was that incredible tree, that I never had but always wanted, that now was, in essence, mine to watch over and keep an eye on. 

So I did.

When the wind blew, I watched the branches creak and strain over the weight. 

When the rains came, I felt the dampness drip down, gliding gracefully off of certain branches onto my waiting fingers. 

When the sun shone and the day was beautiful, I was out with my book, looking through the branches. 

When I was searching for sunsets, there it was, allowing the filtered blush and golden hues to dance in shadows on the pavement. 

When I first woke up this morning, that tree was the first thing I looked at. 

I stopped in my tracks. 

This was springtime. 

Never before experienced in my little hometown except for sign of warmer winds coming. 

The leaves were brightest spring green. In fact, I don’t think I had ever even noticed them thickening, growing in, changing color. 

The season from winter to spring happening right before my eyes. A few pods left with promise of seed for next season; but even now, a nest. Maybe two. 

Even now, the scraggly tree that I was in wonder in at the very beginning, in fullest bloom. And I actually teared up at the wonder of it all. 

“He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design,

deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of his life.

He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous.”

-Psalm 1:3

I’m talking to me.


sierra m.