Posts in Growth Notes
Three Years + Six Months

There’s a bit of wild that exists and takes place in all of us, between the letting go and the holding with tightly grasped fingers to all we know and hold dear. I’m in that space right now, figuring it out day by day, marking it with art, cities, people, jobs, and new eyeglasses called perception (or perspective change #wemeetagain)...transformation through my soul seasons. Feeling change; people change; but if we made it through our entire lives to be in this moment, then there is faithfulness from God to meet us here, & in the next moment too.

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Dear 2022

Dear 2022: you were beautiful. And rough + tumble; & a year of finding belonging & unraveling what that means all over again. You were “on the brink.” One of accomplishment and gratitude, and also one that reminded me (as an adult) how much I need community and a healthy dose of therapy to actually get through it all & still be wildly and freely ‘me’ and in childlike wonder, to still be madly in love with life. 

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Activating Curiosity

There is a fearlessness about children that I encounter on the daily that I still remember is tucked away within my adult body. Perhaps some may say that it’s chasing youth, and maybe in a way it is, but the truth is I often feel that weight of the lack of time in my life (long-term, as my “late twenties” approach and the world suddenly seems more daunting that even I’d care to recognize). Caught between the desire to dream big dreams, but also keep it all as simple as I can, it’s easiest for us to wrap up a hectic work day and drop dead on the couch, switching off our brains to veg out on whatever might do it for us…and in all of this, I ask my flatmates, “Hey, how was your day? How are you?”

But I never ask myself.

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Regaining Confidence (& the Return to Love)

What last led you into a scenario where you felt like your whole self? For me, it’s chasing down a glorious sunset after a day in the sea, wind playing with my hair and nearly chapping my face, laughing with my loved ones. It’s carefree, honestly wild, and vulnerable. These aren’t things that I do. They’re scenarios that I am in. 90% of the time, no one is watching me feel these things, and I am not in the scenarios thinking, “I am my whole self.” What leads you to your “whole self scenario,” and how does that fit into your everyday? Once you know - harness that, and build it into your life’s makeup and routine.

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Making Lists [Rest]

“Sleep and rest don’t always look the same!” I caught myself saying to a friend over the last week who told me I looked tired [we always love to hear that one]. It came from a place of concern, but was received with a spirit of just being condescended towards…and I didn’t like hearing it from myself, but I realized yet again what’s been keeping me from living in fullness is oftentimes my own resistance to what rest is.

…funny how that works.

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Green Pastures

I used to think green pastures naturally equated peace. And maybe it does. But “makes me lie down” when all I want to do is the next great Kingdom-driven thing, write the next melody, even bake the next loaf of something that’s harder for me. I’m adventurous, full of spirit, & while I often crave quiet moments of peaceful creativity throughout the day, I often accidentally fill those moments myself with all the “new” things mentioned above.

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