Storyteller {In Retrospect}

As an assignment for my recent Creative Writing course, I had to look back in journals and re-write/add details to an experience. I came across a journal entry. My heart smiled as I recalled the exact day.

june 13th, 2013
When listening to Dr. Jeff Myers' lectures for school today, he quoted a little something to do with storytelling. It was as if G-d had spoken to my heart through that quote, and I built my entire essay around it.  
"A storyteller is a life poet, an artist who transforms day-to-day living, inner life and outer life, dreams and actuality into a poem, whose rhyme schemes are events rather than words." //robert mckee

Let me tell you (I wrote) why that struck a chord in my inner soul. I've always looked on my life so far as a pre-written story... written by Jesus. 
I'm not one of my own many fancies that I'm constantly pulling out, adding a few paragraphs or sentences to, and putting away or forgetting about for a few weeks or months at a time. 
The events of life are part of the story. 
I can't tell about Jesus to every person I come into contact with, but I can let my life's light shine in day-to-day living experiences and opportunities. 
With this mindset, I can apply each of the principles of a good story through my words, actions, and art in motion as a storyteller. 

I've been praying for G-d to write His story. His beautiful story. For Him to author the desires of my heart. For Him to make His thoughts my thoughts.
And I truly do desire Him to... because there is no greater dream outside of His plans. Laying it all on His altar is hard. Oh, it's hard.
And I desire to be that storyteller.

until next time.  Photobucket