Because of Him.

I can imagine the scene... sweat pouring from His brow.. "not My will, but Yours be done." 
I wonder to myself: how many times have I truly asked G-d to take away a cup I've been given? I have cried. I have sorrowed over different ones. I simply did not understand, did not want to go through such "pain." And my suffering hasn't even touched Jesus'.
But He always looked to His Father- our Father.
Just as we ought to. With love comes great sacrifice, and oh- was that hill up Calvary a sacrifice! If we are not experiencing sacrifice or differing opinions in our lives when we love G-d and others.. then are we truly living our lives with His love? It might be our form of love- which falls extremely short of G-d's form of love-- but most likely, it's not a Calvary kind of love.
That's what is asked of us.
Not my will, Father, but Yours. 
always Yours. 

Jesus really does reduce it all to "Follow Me."
Not "Follow Me when," or "Follow Me if."
But simply, "follow Me."

This day and beyond.. I'm praising G-d so very, very much for the new life He breathes into my heart. Praising G-d that He truly does call us to follow Him. Praising G-d that He invited us to Himself. Thank You, Jesus, for a Love that saves souls. Thank You for demonstrating Your love in the most spectacular and yet heartbreaking ways.
We have this Savior who knows... oh, every piece of us. Yet He still desires us to seek and find fulfillment in Him. His hope is never offered because of our goodness, but because of His grace. His is a Love that dies in order for us to live...

He has blessed me with so many of His good and perfect gifts over the past few days- and to have this reminder every single morning that His mercies are new; are lovely; are true- and that He is risen... is the greatest, most beautiful gift...

Wishing you a joyful day rejoicing in our L-rd~