What if We Were Real?

platitude: a stale, trite, "flat" life.
I could live an old, tired, pointless existence.

Every individual makes a statement in life... and it's largely due to our attitude. What is on the outside reflects what is within (I've heard that since I was two years old- it's true). I think G-d is more concerned with how we do what He has asked us to do.

The point is this: we can't "force" our Christ-like attitude. It has to come from within. We need to be real in our walk with Jesus in order to affect others in any manner.  "Just living" is only going to discourage others in their walk with Jesus. With this job (yes, this again), I've been looking around me more often with a new pair of eyes...and found that individuals are always looking genuine-authenticity- something meaningful...something alive.
Just like the religious teacher in Luke 18, you and I both can live the "right" way with the "right" things, and still be wrong- simply because of an incorrect attitude.

I think all of us struggle with seeking to be admired by others. Being admired and pointed at as a good thing is not bad... but it is when it becomes an intrusion on our actions. In all honesty, G-d does not call us to that life. I can't live to impress people because that will infringe upon who G-d created me to be. However, I think that when we specifically don't live to do so, others look on that more. A favorite song of mine is Audrey Assad's "I Shall Not Want."
//From the need to be understood
From the need to be accepted
From the fear of being lonely
Deliver me, O G-d.\\

Those four simple lines resonate with me... because those are my fears. I fear not being understood. I am sometimes worried about being accepted... and I fear being lonely. But the song goes on to say, "When I taste Your goodness, I shall not want." What is the answer to those fears? Jesus. 

All this to say... we need a living faith, a faith that is true, and genuine. No matter what... we just don't measure up..and won't. And yet, our G-d says, "I just love you."  I can't live through the motions... in anything. In my day.. let it be His. In my life... it is His.

i shall not want. 
