Eucharisteo | v. 1

eucharisteo: yoo-khar-is-teh'-o               to be grateful, feel thankful, give thanks. 

"The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning “grace.” Jesus took the bread and saw it as graceand gave thanks. He took the bread and knew it to be gift and gave thanks. Eucharisteo, thanksgiving, envelopes the Greek word for grace, charis. But it also holds its derivative, the Greek word chara, meaning “joy.” Charis. Grace. Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving. Chara. Joy." -Ann Voskamp


Being thankful for the little gifts that He gives us in every day life. These posts of "things to be happy about"  will be sporadic until i've reached 1,000. Some will be beautifully worded. Some will be broken. Some will be a short sentence. All will be gifts.

number one: the scent of lavender floating on the summer's breeze when in France. i can't smell it all the time now, but when i do catch the scent, scenes of peace and color flash through my mind. lavender has always had a special place in my memory, since (for the longest time) my mama sang "my" song and rubbed it on my back and pillows before going to sleep. 

number two: days when the sun doesn't shine. mostly because we get so much sun here year-round.  as strange as it sounds, i love thunderstorms. i love rain. i love days where the weather sends a pleasant tingle down my spine as i breathe deeply of rain and sip my mug of black coffee. 

number three: the first bonfire of the season,  seasoned with a mug of hot apple-cider spiced with cinnamon sticks. 

number four: laughter... specifically the laughter of my sisters and children. just because. when anything happens, they see the cup overflowing, not half-empty. life is beautiful through their eyes. 

number five: the first butterfly. one i would have missed had i stayed indoors. the delicacy of wings. the brightness of colors disappearing into the bluest of skies... this is a gift. 

number six: photography. there was a time a few months ago- when i was so stressed out that i actually thought about giving that up. but i couldn't. pictures are a part of my soul. and they're memories. and joy, and pain, and pixels. 

number seven: cooler weather, resulting in long bike rides, daily runs, long walks, picnics on the grass, and spending hours sprawled out on blankets with stacks of books to devour. 

number eight: Jesus. His grace. How He reveals Himself in all of these things. the promise that He will give me a new name. ah. i am so thankful for Jesus. He gave Himself to me. 

number nine: ice coffee flavored with caramel. it makes me just take a moment. 

number ten: citrus. the time of year is coming around where you can turn around and find oranges and tangerines and- oh, everything- galore. my favorite. 

so. tell me your eucharisteo of the day. 'cause i'd love to hear.