The Outtakes.

As I journal... I sincerely wish I could draw what I capture with each click of my camera's shutter. G-d's beauty all around me is seriously un-capturable on paper- for me, at least ^_^
But as for the rest of it... those shots in between. I think that our hearts and lives are like those photo out-takes. Yes, a good shot here and there. But then, there are the blurred pictures. The ones with a bad angle, or wrong background. The ones that have the wrong expression, or contrasting colors that just don't work.

It's easy to hide, delete those out-takes, and replace them with that perfect shot. 
...but, it is the flaw that is the real, true thing.
No one is one tries to be even as remotely happy as they would appear to be in front of the lens.

It is that real, raw, organic, untouched emotion that flows forth- sometimes not always in beauty. But this is a reason why photography is so very dear to me- the mood~ it is nearly always appropriately captured in such a still. The moment~ has the plausibility to be forever remembered. It can be a connection to the past. And ina way, a key to the present- as in, is my heart always joyful enough in Jesus that it would be a moment no one will ever regret being transported back to?

Article and Photography Copyright of Sierra Brewer and Fresh Joys Photography, 2012. If you would like to use anything, please contact me for express permission at Thank you. 
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