Now She's Eight.

I remember waking up in Florida with my aunt, uncle, and cousins for this birthday... and feeling like the biggest girl on the block. 

And then I look back on pictures now and realize how silly I was acting. 

But now, Grace-Hope. 
You're eight today. Congratulations! I know you've been waiting for this birthday for a while now. 
And I'm super excited for you, my Water-Monkey;) 

You are "growing-up." And you have blessed me so much. I mean, who gets the privilege of hearing banana pronounced bandanana or spaghetti, sghabetti every single day of the week! 
Where you got, "we'd all be fired from Heaven if we were insane angels," I have no idea whatsoever... and honestly no desire to know where. 

Conversations like this show up in my journal on a dreary day to make me smile: 
You: Do dogs go to Heaven? 
Me: ...Um, yes (Please note that I just finished a long evening and load of laundry, and didn't wish to go through a philosophical conversation at 8:46pm) 
Me: Why?!
You: Because then they'd be blinded by Jesus' light! 


Your made-up jokes are the greatest hit:
Q) Why did the cow cross the road away from the grass?
A) 'Cause its teeth were rotten, Silly Goose! 

When we share the same room, you ask me question after question that I can't answer. 
And finally, when I'm at the end of my rope and tell you to go to sleep and we'll talk in the morning, you obey. 
Just when we're nodding off, you ask, 
"Sierra. You don't mind if I talk in my sleep, do you?" 


Ah. I love you. You bring a huge smile to my face. You have the sweetest smile and heart; and of course, that prankster's brain and mischievous-looking freckles. 
You are such the ham. I don't even have to ask you to pose for me, all I have to do is take out my camera, and you're posing in the hallways. "Sierra, Sierra- put the camera on me!" 
So thankful to G-d that He put you in my life, sweet little sister. 
Much love on your eighth birthday. 


Article and Photography Copyright of Sierra Brewer and Fresh Joys Photography, 2012. If you would like to use any part of this post, please contact me for express permission at Thank you.