Day in the Life~ The Farmers Market

Whenever I have a bunch of pictures on hand from a certain trip somewhere, a day spent gardening, spice-shopping, etc., I'm going to give you all the pictures with the description in the title. And voila, "Day in the Life." Some of these pictures are not my best; however, they are all un-edited, and yes, I am quite capable of taking bad pictures (;

^^^^ This little chunky-monkey of a toddler was- true to his name- just learning to "toddle." 
Oh, goodness. Was he so adorable. And of course he had to stop and pet the puppy. 

I just love farmers markets in general. There is a hidden bustle of movement, a hint of music in the air, children's shouts, and the constant barrage of voices all around, shouting their wares better than the others. While I was only able to capture pictures of the vegetables and some fruits and flowers today, let me assure you, there were many others- sellers of brie cheese, hummus, crackers, exotic Japanese fruits and more- each proclaiming the wonderful characteristics of their own.
Altogether, a feeling of happiness runs through the entire group. *deep breath*

It makes me smile.
