The L-rd's Day

Hello Friends,

I hope you are having a blessed Sabbath day... I know I've neglected this little project for a couple of weeks... but here we are again=)

For if I rebuild what I have once destroyed, I prove myself to be a transgressor. For through the Law I died to the Law, that I might live to G-d. I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and I live by faith in the Son of G-d who loved me. ~Galatians 2:18-20

So, until I accept Christ, I'm always, always, always going to go back, sway, begin to once again operate in the flesh... the problem with our culture today is that we're decieved- oh, so easily!- by thinking we can make wise decisions on our own; when to find true joy, comfort, and security, we must only trust in the L-rd with all our hearts, and acknowledge Him as leader (Proverbs 3:5-6). We have the propensity to do wrong; we were born with it... and only by our Abba's grace can we be washed white as snow. Pure, holy... I can never be on my own. When I re-commited my life to my First Love... it took a big switch. I was not a "bad" girl... by the world's standards I was a very good person.

But when I re-commited... oh friends! how much more did He live through me.
It is my prayer...
that G-d would live through me... because I am so in tune with Him, listening to His voice.

A person I know says, "Control your desires, or they'll control you." However, I think a better way to put it is simply to lay all at the feet of Jesus, to walk with Him and surrender all, and He will author the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4)... no one else.


Lastly, would you mind heading over to A Ray of Sunshine and voting for me? I was picked as a finalist in her *Music* photo challenge! I would so appreciate it=)


Article and All Pictures Copyright of Sierra Brewer, 2011
For permission to use, please email