What Do They See in Me...?

A couple of months ago found me sitting on the trunk of a car at Arches National Park in Moab Utah (about 5 hrs. north of Cedar City), talking about bedtime routines (bedtime routines: how I have a certain “bed-time” … and then I get hold of a certain book… and all plans go to the wayside if I’m not careful) with a good friend from Shakespeare, sitting on another car trunk. Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, a question was popped: “You have to get up early for a "morning class" though, don’t you?”
"Morning Class" (re-named) is a Bible class of sorts for the teenage members of a certain church/religion. The friend I was with I’d known for a couple of years; and, as I am, a disciple of Jesus.

“No,” I replied simply, “I’m not of that sect.” “You’re not?!?!?!  I’m pretty sure this friend of mine had assumed that I was because we’d gotten to know each other in that sort of community. But then, my mind wandered- because what if we were not in that setting.. would I be different, set apart?
“You are the light of the world,” my Bible tells me, “a city on a hill cannot be hidden.” All my friends know me as a Christian; but that verse says, “You are the light of the world.”  World meaning… only my friends?  Just as when Jesus said “neighbors” in Matthew 5:, He means my “enemies” too. He also means that when I walk into a store, it is to be in such a way that “the world” will see my Father up in heaven, and glorify Him.
I want people to see that light of my Jesus when they look at my face. Being confronted in this manner was really eye-opening for me- how will people ever understand the true grace of G-d if they see nothing different in me? They won’t.
Let’s say you walk into a grocery store, and watch a mother pull a Gospel tract out of her packet to hand to another young mother trying to keep her children apart as they fight with each over which breakfast cereal tastes better. You now scrutinize the first woman more closely; does she really have something here? Or is she just another person out there trying to fix everybody else?  You aimlessly follow her around the store; you’re very interested here- the groceries can wait. But when you’re in the dairy aisle, her phone rings. When she picks it up, a frown crosses her face, and she (a little too harshly) reprimands her child, pulling on her skirt. A cloud has passed over; and by the time the little family is at the checkout cline, the woman looks as frazzled and frustrated as the woman she first gave the tract to. “Just another piece of paper,” you think. You turn around, unchanged. And walk out of the grocery store without a backward glance.
For to me, to live is Christ… we’ve pretty much all heard that at one time or another, but how often do we practice it, and get a chance to show Christ’s love?
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.” Today is a gift- a gift from G-d! Are we going to use it for Him, or us? Are we going to show His love, or just be the girl next door? It’s your choice.
For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. With His help, I’m going to live soli Deo Gloria- for the glory of G-d alone.

Article and all pictures, Copywrite, 2011, Sierra Brewer