why a photographically chronicled life i choose.

giggles. mischievous grins. tears falling. a rainy day. emotions. song. sorrow. joy. simplicity. blessings.
And so, so much more... To me, photography is a way to capture each moment while it is yet in the making, and save them for the future. It's easy to remember the big moments- like graduation emotions. But it's harder to remember the smaller moments- such as the days the roses in the front yard opened, and I snatched my camera and breakfast to go out and catch the sunrise on the roses. Capturing art through drawing or painting I enjoy, but I am not as good as it as I would be at taking snapshots. Hearing the click of my camera each time a new image is created makes me smile. Those tell the forgotten stories that will yet last. Those moments- will last forever. I journal. But sometimes, one needs pictures to go with words. So in addition to words in my journal, I have rough sketches, and watercolor. But I mostly have pictures, because they are worth a thousand words, and can tell a feeling better than anything.


Article and Photography Copyright of Sierra Brewer and Fresh Joys Photography, 2012. If you wish to use any part of this post, please contact me for express permission at hishandmaiden.theblog@gmail.com. Thank you.