New York Notes

"I need a change of scene," I mused to myself last March (2015). I had been going through a growing period, and my adult wings had just begun starting to unfold. 

Though I didn't know how, when, or even where quite yet, this change of scene has been in the works for the past fourteen months. Last July, following SHINE, I had a small seed that had begun to sprout and grow in my heart. 

And at that first inkling, I laughed. Like Sarah. 

"Really, God? New York?" 

Oh, how He loves to surprise us, right? 

But little by little, through the months, it made sense. Absolute, complete, perfect sense. I remember vocalizing it to my mum over coffee, and then my best friend over FaceTime. Neither of them were surprised, to be honest; that surprised me. 

I don't know why it surprised me at the time. 

But all that to say, last night I jumped on a plane bound for New York, New York. Several steps and surprises have taken me  in this direction, and I'm excited to see what the next several days and weeks ahead hold. Though I'm still a Californian (for now, mind you 😉), I'm thrilled to see and experience living like a New Yorker. 

And I mean, apparently I already have the style down, so brownie points for me. I'll be busy, acting like a cool Parisian (aka too cool to care) with a penchant for a good photo or two or ten, treading new ground in my huge sunglasses, and letting my jaw drop once or twice (thus giving away my French heritage. Oh well.). I will also be meeting with a few agents, doing a lot of journaling, and taking in this new world around me. 

Change of scene, here I come. 

{follow me on the IG: #mynewyorknotes #sierratakesnewyork. i promise

you won't be bored.}