Twenty Lessons for a Twenty-Year-Old Human Becoming. part one

Two years ago I woke up thinking how much of an adult I was at eighteen years old. Looking at myself at this moment in time, I'm thoroughly surprised at how much my heart has changed, how much I have changed, and how much I am yet the same in a different season with a different focus. There's movement. Quietly, but steadily. I couldn't be in more anticipation, excitement, joy, and yet that little niggling sense of fear still comes at me out of nowhere sometimes. 

So, I wrote down twenty things I learned and re-discovered over the last year or so, and I thought I'd share them. They're rules to live by lessons that might make living just a little bit easier. Here are the first ten.

1. It's O.K. to be alone. There's more than just closing your door. There's more than just saying no. Or not replying to a text. There's a clearing of one's mind that needs to happen. I think when I'm truly alone is when Jesus whispers to my heart the most. And that's when the joy and hope fills my heart.

2. Know how to be you & stay you. "You," someone told me once, "are more yourself than most grown up people ever will be."  I'll probably be re-learning this again and again the next few years. But these last few months of a literal fall and winter were transformed into a spring and summer that I believe was specifically created for this period in my life. It was just that way. "Wow, I always that you were just the mature older sister. I didn't know you could be fun," was told me by an AMTC friend, and I laughed. "Probably because you've only known me in a certain atmosphere. For three weekends. Ever."  I'm learning how to take me in Christ, and be me in all situations. It's hard at first, to be vulnerable. But once you take that jump, it's hard going back.

3. God's answers are wiser than your prayers. I can't expound on this one enough.

4. You're a human becoming. Most people don't see how fragile I am on the surface. One of my fears is not being able to protect myself emotionally or physically.. because I'm not strong. Something the Lord has really brought to life for me is that I don't have to be strong. I can be weak, and let Him lead me, carry me, guide me, teach me. I can know that in all the upcoming journeys and challenges (ever so slightly tinged with worry), that I'm not alone.

5. Reading is Good. Really good. I don't think I ever realized enough just how much trouble I've had prioritizing textbook reading above just reading for the sake of enjoying it. I've been going through my shelves and finding a few books that I've read either years ago or not as thoroughly as I could have, and I want to read those, take advantage of the library, and read twenty-four good books in the next twelve months. (Suggestions please?)

6. Let your heart crave exploration. I currently have nine credits left before I can say I've graduated with my B.A. in English. While it's taken me long enough for certain, I've explored, experienced, and breathed life outside of four walls. Whether it's on a hike or on a drive or in an airplane or even in a different city, I know I've been prepared for my upcoming ventures by really being pulled out of my comfort zone as far as going goes. I couldn't be more thankful or thrilled for where Jesus leads in the future.

7. When the Lord gives you peace about something, there is nothing- nothing- that can say no. He is peace. And if you're seeking Him, walking with Him, and there's no peace...I don't believe it's of Him.

8. Lipstick makes every photograph look better. Even the black-and-white ones. I have no time to put on a face of makeup some days, and that's totally okay with me. I have learned the magic of a slick of color. Nothing else needed.

9. The faith of a child makes all the difference in the world. I had an interesting conversation with an uncle lately, in which he said he truly wanted to read the Bible from the beginning, but couldn't get his mind around/ couldn't get past the fact why Eve, in all her perfection, would ever want to talk to a snake anyway. As I tried to explain free will again and again, I was told I was assuming since I wasn't there in the first place. What I learned from this conversation is that the faith of a child is enough. As we get older, we tend to complicate things. What else I've been learning lately is to simply take Jesus at His Word, and nothing less than that.

10. Start now. The world needs more leaders. Even if you're a follower of sorts, become a leader in your own life. Do what you've been wanting to do for years. Just go. Just start. Plan ahead (if you can/if you're one of those people), but do it.

Next ten are coming tomorrow - but let's kickstart that number ten by asking what would you add today?