Dear Alexandrea

Alexandrea, my sweet- where do I begin? 

Hmm. You're seventeen today, and I think it was two days ago that I realized you can't sing "I am Sixteen Going on Seventeen" anymore..

what a blow that was 

(I think more for me than for you).

  • Really though, it's amazing to me how you've matured through your spirit and amazing personality. 
  • You walk with such confidence into a room, and have such a presence and way of presenting things in a different light! I'm glad we're no longer gym buddies, but only since we don't really do gym things anymore- walking and biking and yoga and smoothies are far more entertaining, thankyouverymuch, especially with you (& Judge Judy). 
  • Your artistic eye is so much developed, your mindset and work ethic is incredible, you're enrolled in your first semester at college, and last summer you graduated high-school. 
  • You're about to embark on a summer of traveling, and a lifetime of adventure ahead, and yet you are just on the brink of having that little space to breathe and enjoy life. Don't forget to laugh, even when you're angry. 
  • Thanks for holding my hand in the movie theater when I get creeped out by something, and your reminders of national donut day. Thank you for the countless coffee dates and arguments that last five minutes and end as soon as we jump in the car for a road trip. Thank you for being the reason I can use the carpool lane in L.A. traffic. 😉 
  • Thank you for letting me cause ripples in what could and would be your perfectly still and completely planned pond and schedule. You are the introvert to my less-introvert, the thinker to my dreamer, and the planner to (most of) my ideas.
  •  Thank you for becoming my best friend when I needed you the most...I think the times you cried when I held you when you were little only sparked my love for children (and for you. Obviously.). 
  • Thank goodness we're beyond that.
  • You're the most lovely, genuine, gorgeous middle sister who ever walked the planet, and I have the privilege to say you're *my* sister. Thank You, Jesus!
  • Hearing you do battle with your best friends the ants (let's clarify; you're their best friend, they're not yours) is one of my favorite things- truly shows the terrifying yet just person you would be as world dictator. 
  • As you say..."if you were a song, you'd make me wanna roll my windows down." I know this will be an amazing, growth-filled year, and I'll always be behind you as your cheer-leader, prayer warrior, pusher over the edge of the cliff (of whatever it is you need a slight push over), the one who will jump on your back for all of our pictures, and obviously the one to tell the story of how you were (many, many times) mistaken for Emma Stone. Funny, I don't see it (actually I do, but you are very much your own person- keep that in your heart and soul). You've got wings. 
  • I love love love you to the moon and back.  
    • P.S.: t-shirts printed with "I'm 17!" will be shipped soonishly, with different colors for each day of the week, along with pepper spray. There are instructions for you to wear them to college (and everywhere else) as a reminder to everyone that you're still mine, okay? Only because I love you.
    • xoxo, 
    • me.