- Winter Ramblings -

25 gluten free holiday christmas cookies:
i. I can't believe there's actually chill outside, scattered snow decorating our surrounding mountains, a fire in the fireplace and clouds in the sky... but it's that season already. You know how the waves crash and show the glistening splash of whitewater in the summer?  I look outside my windows, and the clouds look like those waves- ready to crash, hugging the mountains closely like a soft blanket being used to keep warm. 

ii. full circle. 
Today's Friday. Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, the night air whipped into a gusty wind causing a brand new freeze to enter my bones when I walk outside. Today's the first day in five mornings I haven't been up before the sun, and while I delight in those sunrises...my body needs rest, and is starting to manifest that in a mental demand for countless cups of tea and helpings of dark chocolate. Winter break is right around the corner for my piano students, and though I love my job, love my life, and am absolutely thankful for such a gathering of kidlets, I'm ready for the rest. 

iii. I took another test this morning, and passed. 

iv. Normally Fridays and Saturdays are more soothing days; I enjoy my coffee for a bit longer, take the time to read a book that isn't assigned for studies or classes, and look through inspiration or writings. Sometimes I pull out my paints and brushes and work on some calligraphy or art, and do some pilates and stretching. Recently I've been handling photographs much more often, and since I have to print out several more prints for my modeling portfolio, I'm becoming more conscious of the beauty in printed photos, and the wonder of photos from twenty or more years ago- how those moments are frozen in time. I wonder what my future children will think when they see them. 

v. I took an extra string of those beautiful sparkling Christmas lights from the garage, and draped them around my bedpost and window, and wonder why it's only fully acceptable for them to twinkle this time of year. Why can't they twinkle all year? They're like fairies; happiness personified. 

vi. I have a wild love for people. Stories. The fall and winter months bring me to a place where I can't help but slip into a precious time of reflection and comfort in the simplicity. The chill creates a pleasant atmosphere in comparison to the heat of the dusky summer evenings. I go to the library and find books of poetry and personal essays; I purchase used books and find marks in them...and I love it. Because that person has somehow manifested themselves into my life, though hundreds or thousands of miles away. I don't know this person, but I pay special attention to what was important to them because it gives me a tinted peephole window into their life story. I don't know these people, but I want to hear their thoughts. 

vii. I know other people hundreds of miles away, and I love them. Sometimes I just want to sit down and write a book together. Maybe someday we will. 
