-With Love that Knows No Bounds, Jesus-

I was going through a tougher day on Friday. Satan was at work to steal my joy, steal my heart's focus, and wear my soul down. There came a moment where I had to get down on my knees and cry out to Jesus for His solitude and safety from this rough world for this fragile heart.

And He did. He wrapped me up in an embrace as His daughter.

Today as I was wrapping up boxes and packing up all my journals and hundreds of loose papers from over the years, I came across a letter for my great-grandmother, to my grandmother (both of whom their names were crossed out), to my aunt, to my mum, whose name was scratched through once.. for me. This old yellowing paper, torn and scrappy at the edges, has been passed through four generations. Someone had drawn flowers on it at once point. But it brought me so much joy and confirmation as I read the words:

Dear "Sierra,"

How are you? I just had to send you this letter to tell you how much I love and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends. I waited all day, wanting you to talk to Me also. As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you, and I listened to your heart.. and I love you- because I am your Friend. 
I saw you fall asleep last night, and I longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight across your pillow and face. Again, I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts and blessings for you. So many plans and purposes for you that you'll never fathom the beauty and impact of them all. 

Today you looked so alone. It makes my heart ache because I understand. My friends let Me down and hurt Me many times too, but I love you. I try to tell you in the quiet green grass; I whisper it in the leaves and trees, breathe it in the colors of the flowers. I shout it to you in the mountain streams, and give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine, and perfume the air. My love is deeper for you than oceans, and bigger than the biggest want or need you have. 

We will spend eternity together. I know how hard it is on this earth. I really know (because I was there), and I want to help you. My Father wants to help you too. He's that way, you know. Just call Me, ask Me, talk to Me. It's your decision. I have chosen you, equipped you, and because of this I will wait on you as you wait on Me... because I love you. 

With love that knows no bounds, 

As I folded up this precious piece of paper and tucked it into my journals for my own daughter someday, I had one or two tears of faith in my eyes. I can't pray for Jesus to take me on waters without expecting Him to. He calls us to rest. To be faithful. He equips the called. He's moving, ah- He's moving. I can feel it. And I'm beyond thrilled for the seasons to come...
