-Hullo, How Are You?-

because I really want to know. 

"To care means first of all to empty our own cup and to allow the other to come close to us. It means to take away the many barriers which prevent us from entering into communion with the other. When we dare to care, then we discover that nothing human is foreign to us, but that all the hatred and love, cruelty and compassion, fear and joy can be found in our own hearts." --Henri Nouwen 

I'm not interested in whether you choose 'good' or 'well' to respond to me- unless that's really how you are. Or if you're at the grocery store ringing me up, I can understand why you wouldn't exactly feel comfortable telling me anything else. But honestly, I'm not strange or misunderstood.  I'm interested in your spiritual well-being. Your state of mind. Your heart. What can I be praying for for you?

I think so often we as a culture respond in such a masked way, that no one expects anything more.
"I'm good, thanks." "Can't complain." "Better than I deserve."

One time I was going through a difficult time, and someone stopped and asked me, "How are you?" "I'm o.k." They continued on their merry way; but another had witnessed the scene, and said, "Let me ask you that again. How are you?" I sighed. "I'm not okay."
Sometimes it's not a test of vulnerability. It's just a matter of someone taking time to listen and understand.

i want to hear. 
i want to know. 
Not because I'm nosy. Because I want to help if I can, rejoice with you if I can, cry with you if I can- or offer a shoulder to cry on if that's what you need...or just listen.

Sometimes silence is all that's necessary, and that's just beautiful as well.
let me listen. 
I sit down in the mornings and talk to Jesus, and I hear Him whisper and feel His warm embrace as He asks...child, how are you? Even though He already knows- He cares.
It hurts to be vulnerable sometimes, and yet from the depths of my soul I crave that vulnerability and opportunity for deep friendship and intimacy that springs forth from words.

So when I ask how you are, I mean it from the depths of my soul.
And it might not be with me- but if you open up to others...you heal. You realize. You understand.
and it's worth it. 

{this is a reminder to me}