Arise {My One-Word 2015}

I sat down yesterday to ponder on the words I've had put on my heart, and found myself humming. i hope you never lose your sense of wonder. ...may you never take one single breath for granted. I took a deep breath and let myself go a few days ago. I can't hold on to the broken pieces of me anymore, try to hold them together, try to understand anymore.  I mentioned a few days ago how the phrase "running freely" ties in to my one word for this year: arise.  Running freely to me means... to simply run towards Him without bounds. Without self-inflicted, established knots which we think are only for our good, but in actuality can cut like a knife- those ones that keep us from being what others would call fools for Him. I've been laughed at before. I sing on the sidewalk and dance in the rain in the middle of the road. I take pictures of the mountains, endless pictures. I voluntarily wake up at two in the morning to see if the moon has changed or if it happens to be raining outside, or just to watch the stars twinkle since the lights of the world have dimmed. I try to tiptoe gracefully in sandals as I walk, which gives me an interesting appearance as I look for kale and whole wheat crackers in the grocery store aisle. I let my fingers just brush the olding black and white keys of the piano for comfort. I find grace as I search for Him in the pieces of my mixed-up heart. I believe in God. I believe that He is the One who will tie all things together as He clears the dust from my heart and from the corners of the world according to His perfect timing. How much do we long for Him and His heart? I believe, passionately, conclusively, with every fiber of my being, that He will complete me. That everything will be made new, and nothing will be lacking.
Arise. Because He makes all things new. I will not for one moment regret that I wasn't living when Christ was here, because, and oh the thought gives me chills, I may yet be living when He comes back.
Arise. Because His return is imminent. Because I am God's now; I have nothing, no one to fear. As it is declared, so shall it be, and there is nothing but joy that should be involved.
Arise. Because His provision cannot and will not be thwarted. live ready. 
Arise. Because there is not much time left. Because this much I know is true: I am only here- you are only here- we are only here, because this is our God who loves us.

He knows more than we do the ache and pain and suffering we can and will or ever think we do experience in these bodies. He knows more than we can comprehend the joy that transcends us anyway, spilling over with expectation in His work. Who are we that belong to Him? He knows how, we belong to Him, we cannot stand still for Him. He knows that He is the hope that we lie waiting, wondering, longing for, that we run toward with that anticipation, expectation grasped tightly in both hands. Here is where He makes us brave. Here is where we take the first step on feet unsteady as we grasp His hand. Here is where we learn to walk with those open hands and hearts. Here is where we must arise + go + seek Him. Here is where we declare how fully we depend on Him.

"Arise, shine; for your light has come, & the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. 
For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, & His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light,& 
kings to the brightness of your rising." -Isaiah 60:1-3

I have plans for this year. Hopes. Dreams, wishes too, maybe. Maybe sometimes I imagine the impossible, but then I remember how many times He's proven Himself the God of that very word and a smile breaks across my face. How will I ever truly know how great, how strong, how big my Father's arms are...unless I take the first step He's beckoned me to? How can I not watch that story unfold in all of its wonder and uncertainty? 
Let me mull over that. Let me chew on that. Let me fall open, become. 

