
Tonight I was reading the Christmas story again. 
And had to stop at where Mary is told that she will be the mother of the Savior of the world. 
In one moment, the future she had planned and wished for... well, it changed. 
In one moment, she was given a radical calling. And she graciously accepted that radical calling without knowing exactly what it would entail.  
But I truly believe in the moment that she let herself surrender and God turned her world upside-down, she knew that His plan was beautiful and amazing. 
In this moment, where am I? 
In this moment, I can choose to serve Him today and always. Because even when we have no idea what God is doing, and we can't see what's ahead, He is working. He has a perfect plan- one which is fulfilled in His perfect timing. 
We may go through pain.
We may go through suffering. 
We may go through loss.
But in the end, His plan is always best. 
And His answers are wiser than our most heartfelt prayers.
"God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him." -Jim Elliot