-Sometimes, I Think Big Things-

"You're so small. You're so young- why are you such an old soul?" 
"I'm not really." 
"Yes, really! You are! How do you have this way of looking at life?" 
I smile. 
"I just serve a God who tells me I'm not what I seem. And sometimes, I think big things." 

Time. It's strange to think about. But isn't it fascinating? Sometimes it can go by so slowly it's painful; sometimes it goes by so quickly it makes your head spin. No matter how hard we try to "take control" of our time, we simply...cannot. Life goes on. Time goes by. Moments drift pass. We can't turn back the hands of the clock any more than we can make them move faster- but how often we forget this! As a child, how much easier it is to take joy in the simplicities, to enjoy life. But...it becomes difficult (much!) as we get older. As an "adult," life has kicked me a few times, and it's become a bit more difficult these days to just sit and enjoy, truly drink in life with those same sweet child-like eyes of wonder and innocence. Choosing to take time to enjoy life- that is brave. It's a letting go of hurt, anxiety, fear; and holding His hand as I grasped my parents fingers when I was a youngster. Time is precious. They way you spend it doesn't just affect you--it affects others, too. Both situationally and emotionally. Today, I am given time. Tomorrow- I may not be. Am I truly blessing those around me as I call myself and seek to be known as His follower...? Ponderings.

I may not live in the Palace, but I spend a lot of time there. 
Waiting on Him, longing for His gentle embrace and open arms.
I may have my own palaces- 
fancies, daydreams, wishes-
but never am I as fulfilled except when finding the One my soul treasures.
