-When Waves Rise-

"Why are you so downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God..." 
-Psalm 42:5

A change happens in your soul when Jesus steps onto your personal waves.
Stormy situations are inevitable.
But nothing deters the Master of the universe.

God isn't surprised by the waves. 
He's not shocked by our own crisis- because He doesn't see them that way. In the midst of panic... here comes Jesus. Walking on waves. Reaching His hand out to grasp ours.
Jesus... isn't distracted by the waves; He's focused on the people. 
And honestly... I'm convinced that the disciples would have faced waves, even if they stayed on shore.
He has overcome the world.. so we are to take heart. Take heart. (John 16:33)

What I'm learning right now... is that you can't be in any kind of ministry, and doing what God asks or tells you to... and not experience "waves" -ones that seem overpowering at times.
He delivers us through them. Life will be difficult at times; and we accept that, knowing with confidence that Christ has promised to carry us through- and will.
And He is aware of your waves.

Friends, He holds all things in the palm of His hands. 
We serve a God who neither slumbers nor sleeps. 
And waves don't intimidate Him, or hinder Him... though they might often intimidate or shake me. 
He is already victorious. 
He doesn't operate by my limitations. 
His love is over and underneath. 
There are no boundaries He cannot cross. 
He sustains and contains everything. 
He can and does everyday. 

With Him... there are no "what-ifs," but "what-is."
Whom shall we fear?