To Be His Servant

Who am I? 
I am a musician.
I am a writer.
I am an artist.
I am a sister, and a daughter, and a keeper-at-home.
But... do these alone define who I really am?

Who are you? 
And do those things really define you? Is that really who you'll become in the long run? 

Others have been asking that question lately. "So, what are your plans after college? What career are you going into?" I give strange answers (which are responded to with strange looks), such as, "Well, my BA is in Humanities, and ever since I was a little girl I wanted to go into missions. I want to use my gifts of music, words, and photo-journalism to further the Kingdom of G-d. And I desire to be a Titus 2 woman, a wife and mother. So I suppose you could say I don't have a specific career mapped out in front of me, and I'm thankful for that; because if my heartstrings were tied to one specific thing, and the L-rd said no... that would be a test that would be difficult to go through." 

At the core of who I am... I am a child of the Most High King. I am His beloved. I am His servant. In our culture, a slave or servant is, in essence, a bad thing. The word has been compromised. But in my readings lately, I've been seeing that in the value system of G-d... this word is beautiful
If He is truly L-rd of my life, I have this privilege of being His servant. 

Mary's words have been ones I am challenging myself to get out of bed with every day: "Behold the handmaid of the L-rd; be it unto me according to Thy word." (Luke 1:38)

To be a follower of Christ means that I am no longer my own; I am controlled by the love of Jesus, and I can't live for myself. 

Friends... this servant-hood... is different. This is freedom- to become set free by being a servant to my Savior, wherever He has called me. It's the stepping forward in complete faith. This is why I need to remain an open book

My passion is Jesus. To be like Him, I want to become a servant like Him. I’ve seen firsthand that sometimes, the best leaders are the ones who serve and are yet silent. I want to become a leader who leads with her hands- one who doesn’t even have to say a word, but people see, and simply say, “She’s different.” 

Someday, at an hour we do not know, Jesus will return. How will He find me? May I be serving, whether it's at home, in an unknown place, behind-the-scenes, or out in the open. 

I am many things.
But my desire and prayer is to become one thing:  a servant.

i'm an empty page, i'm an open book
write Your story on my heart, make Your mark. 
Author of my soul, Maker of the stars, let me be Your work of art. 
