Eucharisteo | v.6

eucharisteo: yoo-khar-is-teh'-o               to be grateful, feel thankful, give thanks. 

"The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning “grace.” Jesus took the bread and saw it as graceand gave thanks. He took the bread and knew it to be gift and gave thanks. Eucharisteo, thanksgiving, envelopes the Greek word for grace, charis. But it also holds its derivative, the Greek word chara, meaning “joy.” Charis. Grace. Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving. Chara. Joy." -Ann Voskamp

Being thankful for the little gifts that He gives us in every day life. These posts of "things to be happy about"  will be sporadic until i've reached 1,000. Some will be beautifully worded. Some will be broken. Some will be a short sentence. All will be gifts.


number fifty-one: It may sound cliche... but one of the most wonderful things is when Daddy tells me I'm beautiful. When I was younger, I lived and danced for those moments when he would twirl me around and call me his princess. I heard him saying something similar to Grace-Hope a few days ago, and I had to run write this down in my pocket notebook to save and smile at. Daddy is my earthly father... and I love to imagine my Heavenly Father creating me, seeing my inside soul and desires, and telling me... "My daughter... you are beautiful... because I made you."  

number fifty-two: Rainbow-colored, soapy bubbles rising from the dish of soapy water in the backyard air. 

number fifty-three: Fellowship- I've been blessed by some Spirit-filled times recently, and I'm always thankful for these dearest friends. 

number fifty-four: Early (and oh, is it early) morning prayers with Jesus... but honestly, at three in the morning, with an empty mind and a quiet heart, I have been experiencing some of the most beautiful and convicting wonders. 

number fifty-five: How G-d lays on hearts, and then confirms. A couple of posts ago, I was astounded at how one good conversation led to another (early morning) prayer session, followed by a most-convicting message the morning after. G-d is good... ah, He is so good. "All of my hopes and my dreams and my best-laid plans are safe and secure when I place them in Your hands." 

number fifty-six: Grace-Hope's singing voice lifted loudly as she practices, dances, and praises. She reminds me of Miriam in the Old Testament... 

number fifty-seven: Feathers flying- just an invitation to start a tickle-fight. 

number fifty-eight: I am a profound admirer of flowers... in this season, yellow roses, pink roses: blooming, and emitting their heavenly scent to the world and its occupants- these are lovely, and just may be my favorite. Wildflowers: carpeted near the highway- yellow and orange beauty in abundance. 

number fifty-nine: A good inky pen, which allows me to scratch away freely in my observation notebook...

number sixty: My observation notebook- small, slender, sunflower yellow in color- has become the basis for more than I could have ever dreamed. I'm learning to look at others and notice that their emotions are different, and they need Jesus. It's simply incredible how I can open this little notebook, look at my "observations" for the day.. and feel a drawn need to pray for these people. The wonder of it all is this: I've been praying to pray for others and have my eyes opened to their needs more... and through a writing class week one assignment... this is what has been occurring. 

what are you thankful for this week? 
