
just a note... this was *supposed* to publish on Thanksgiving. there must have been, however, a different plan involved... :) A Happy (late) Thanksgiving, Friends.


i've been learning that our personal attitude really reflects on our perspective on life... and it's expressed loud and clearly toward others. Even though the old has been swept away, Christ is still refining us, and He will continue to do so...in everything. In everything, give thanks. What does an unthankful spirit reveal about my heart's attitude toward my Creator? It can reflect Him, or dishonor Him. In my weakness, He shines... but on my own strength, i am useless. 

"thank You that i have food to dirty dishes with." 
"thank You for bathrooms to clean." 
"thank You for the most beautiful of autumn days." 
"thank You for every circumstance." 

G-d doesn't need us. We don't "deserve" anything. "for this is G-d's will for you in Christ Jesus." Everything.. everything..happens according to the perfect plan of our L-rd's. Be thankful... because it glorifies G-d, as the Authority, as my Rock, in whom i put my trust. because it pleases Him..ah, friends... the relationship is restored through Him every day. Because everything G-d instructs us in His Word is a blessing- a gift- to us. It keeps Him near us. with Him i am already victorious

i'm in awe of the truth He has been giving to me... showing me..  In the past couple of months alone.. real thankfulness starts at by kneeling at His feet. There is and still will be hardship; but G-d is our redeeming life.  i don't see the big picture... but the victory is already His. And as i go through imperfection, pain, and struggle, let me keep in perspective... that this is temporary; Christ's perfection is eternal. we can say that this appears to be a horrible situation; but everything is written in His book, and therefore, my confidence is in Him... 

"thank You." 
