Desiring Weakness.

"I have fought the good fight...
The girls in our family recently went bubble-running with some of our dearest friends, and after that event, I spent some time thinking on the finishing of the race. I have a strong stamina, just not the lungs, thanks to my asthma. In order to prepare for the run, I not only needed to build up stamina, but to build up strength as well- so I prepared every day by training.
To put it shortly, without our lungs, we can't do anything. We're just that- dead. And our impact for Jesus builds day-by-day. Our life's race is a marathon. Not a sprint. My emotions and thoughts can positively or negatively impact my run.

We need to be consistent in our faith. It wasn't until the past few years that I understood exactly what that meant/entailed. Is my life wholly Jesus Christ's? I feel like it's "my" responsibility to deliver, and in a way, yes, it is; however, G-d is the stabilizing source of strength. I can ask Him for help, so I can have absolute confidence in each step. He is my supply. But I'll never forget the illustration my mom gave me when I was five or six: when I ask G-d to take the burden from me, and I worry about it again, I'm actually taking it back. I'm saying, "I just don't feel like You're capable at this moment to handle this," when I'm the obvious problem. When we give Him that control.. we begin to live G-d's way of things. i don't want the reigns... the truth is, i can't control them- it's like me trying to control a runaway horse when I can barely control a trotting one. "What can man do to me?" Be strong in the L-rd...

"I have finished the course..." 
...the course. His way is the best way... it is the only way. He is equipping us right now... we only need ask. As strange as it sounds, I want to be a sheep. I want to be weak, so that He may be strong.
"I have kept the faith..." 
I need to guard my faith. I need to guard my heart. Honestly, if it doesn't line up with His plan... I don't want it; I don't need it. My mama has always told me to pray for His desires to be my desires- she has taught me to pray Psalm 139. "Point out anything in me that offends Your heart and desire for me...let Your desires be my desires, let Your thoughts be my thoughts." He has answered. My heart's desire is to live a life with a refined and pure spirit before the L-rd. That is enough.

"Let everything else go, that you may live in a practical, daily walk and conversation, the Christ-life you have dwelling within you. You are united to the Lord by a wondrous tie. Walk, then, as He walked, and show to the unbelieving world the blessed reality of His mighty power to save, by letting Him save you to the very uttermost. Do not fear to consent to this, for He is your Savior, and His power is to do it all. He is not asking you to do it yourself. He only asks that you yield yourself up to Him, that He may work in you and through you by His own mighty power." -Hannah W. Smith

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.." -2 Timothy 4:7


On a completely unrelated note.... I was in a deep sleep yesterday morning when Alexandrea jumped on my bed (she may or may not have been squealing) to tell me that I was just announced Best Teen (Homeschool) Blog of 2013! What an exciting way to start my morning... :) I'm in such awe of the L-rd's grace and timing in all of this... it's seriously unfathomable. Thank You, Jesus! Thank you, thank you, thank you all SO much! :) *feeling deeply blessed*