Being Content in the Here and Now.

“This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.” 
― Elisabeth Elliot

Recently, I've been going through a phase where G-d has really been working new things in my heart. Where I thought my original plans were going, are no longer where I realize that I am going.  In fact, I very nearly came to a place (just the other day) where I changed my degree from Humanities to Communications. However... though I felt complete peace upon deciding upon the degree change, after speaking with my mom and my coach about it (again), I decided to stay put. I am content; I am happy with where I'm going right now; and I feel like I'm finally into the CLEP swing of things.
Having had (and I still do have, let me just say) a Super-Mom (though you would never hear her admit it) through my years of homeschooling, life seemed to become just a tad trickier when I first started CollegePlus several months ago. How could I explain this to my coach the way I explained it to my first and main teacher (minus Mr. Demme of Math-U-See, who saved us both from years of horror)? Thankfully, my mom (and daddy) were still supporting me through the chaos of the first few months of the transition.

I am content. I have a focus, and a goal; I am so thankful for Jesus and His constant grace and every-day reminders of His love. He has the perfect plan; and I am right where He wants me to be right now. Each day is a gift... each breath is a gift.

He has brought me to a place where I am feeling quite alright without knowing the future days and what the next five years hold... I can simply say, "He is enough." He is more than enough. There is grace in the uncertainty. My desire is to walk with content obedience and servant-heartedness in the here and the now...

ecclesiastes 3:1