Under the Golden Leaves {To Alexandrea}

I seriously cannot even imagine. You're turning fourteen today
What is that- terrible?! While I might be (oh, so very) tempted to answer yes, it just is isn't. 
I'm O.K. now with you getting older... but be fore-warned, I will be putting a brick on your head sometime soon. While I adore you- I don't adore the fact that I am now being teased about my three-years-younger sister being taller than I am... who does that?! ;) 

There are so, so many things I love about you. From your always bubbly, laughing-in-your-face kinda moments to me never ever ever wanting to put your photos in black and white because you're just too stinkin' gorgeous for words in color. 

I love that you're never tired of being with me even after we've had a sleepover and game night and game morning and all the rest of that jazz. <3 You have such a beautiful, fun-loving spirit. I think the word that I'm looking for that describes you best is joyful. 

You have a fiery temper which especially flares at injustice- which is good. Use it for G-d and His kingdom. 

Thank you for always willing to be my model, paint my nails (since you already know I'm horrid at it), and text me;) And make goodies- let's face the facts- they are the most scrumptious. 
When eating a scone:
Moi: Alexandrea can make this better. 
Someone Else: I know, it is kinda (dry, raw, etc.) 

When eating dinner: 
Someone Else: Y'know that time we all made dinner and Alexandrea and ____ made this?
Moi: Oh my goodness! YES! That was so good
Someone Else: That was even better than this. 
Moi: Mmmhmm, what else is new. (kidding. but not really). 
Chef (in future- think extremely thich French accent, and speak aloud accordingly): Who is this fantastic personage who can make something better than my top cook who worked in Rome and trained in Pa-ree?! 

As we can see, you are good at cooking. I'm good at eating/spreading the word about your marvelous skills.
Moving on... you are just plain wonderful. I'm so glad, and thankful, that G-d put you in my life as my little not-mother, sister, and friend.  ;) <3  

I love you so much, Girly! 
Forever and Always. 
