my one-word. // or rather, more.

Four days into January, 2012 2013, I'm still finding it difficult to look into a new year with no mistakes in it yet, though there are many to live by. Midnight on December 31st found Tiffani, Alexandrea, and I, with drooping eyelids, playing Apples-to-Apples and watching The Lucy Show episodes. I like the quiet feeling of January days, and the chill of January nights. There is a nostalgia in the air in the late afternoon when the sun sets; and then there are sporadic dance parties that last for an hour. 2012 was such a strange year, full of moments filled with both good and bad; full, rich, heart-breakingly wonderful, different year... bursting with just such "flavor" that is hard to put into a few words and photographs and many journal entries. And many lasts...many firsts. The reason for this post, however. 2011, I've lived by be. Just be. 2012's word was 'abide.' Just rest in Him, abide in Him...  While there are so many words I could live by... *pause, and recollects thoughts* I've picked the word More for this year. 2013. 

I dream of more that just that "getting by" mode. He has planned more for me than I can even comprehend. I expect less on purpose to not regret disappointments. To think of the More I could do than what I could possibly wrap my mind around; this is 2013 I want my one-word to reflect. 

More, because, so often, I re-make G-d into, not G-d, but the same man by which promises are broken, thoughts are distorted, and lives are intertwined with something resembling something half as dramatic as a soap opera. I forget He is the author and perfecter; and that what He wills happens, whether it seems like it will or no. He want me to live a life of meaning, one that can only be achieved by remembering that there is so much more to G-d that I don't understand. And the rationale that I have is terrible when in fact, I have the love and grace of a Father who wants to bless His children with more beyond our wildest dreams. So goodbye to the old me of 2012 and past years, who dreamed big, but not big enough, scarcely hoping that would change things. This is the G-d who will not only meet our expectations and prayers, but will bring them to light in every possible, wild, crazy, passionate, wonderful way.  I am ready to do so much more for His kingdom, and live His life for me every step of the way. 

...and who says the sky's the limit? 

Article and Photography copyright of Sierra Brewer, 2013. If you would like to use in any way, please contact me for express permission at Thank you.