With Love, Moi {2}

Dear Beautiful Month of August, 
You were my month of cramming the last bit of school before college truly hits. But your last two weeks have been glorious. I finally learned that I could really not keep you... but I still have your memories. And I have you documented by camera and journal. See you next year~ 

Dear Camera,
I grow more and more fond of you by the day, if that's even possible. Your bokeh and wonderful memories you capture makes me heart sing. Beautiful. 

Dear Karah and Tiffani and Zeekie, 
We still need to have a beach day. I miss you girls so much, it isn't even funny. Girls day out, soon, right? I am so blessed by each of you lovely ladies of G-d. Love you all so much <3

Dear Rhetoric, 
You are officially over. Ha! I have defeated you, and you. are. over. (again). I can go back to speaking publicly to actual human beings instead of a computer screen. Thank you so much, Mr. Baker, for your ever-smiling picture that was oh-so-encouraging, even in the midst of learning about concepts I didn't even know existed. You are amazing. 

Dear Paris, 
You are officially on my agenda to visit, now that I can fully communicate when I get to your lovely place. French is a beauteous language that I have the most fun with. Ever. That is all. 

Sparkling Ocean Waves Which I Can See From My Window, 
Ah. How I love you. I can wake up to your ocean roar in the mornings. Your dawn is incredible. Your sunsets even more so. Can I even express my delight? No. 

Dear Shakespeare Class, 
I miss you oh-so-much. I deeply wish that you could start back up again, but alas, I think the days of threatre in the park where people stood watching us block and re-block, and the days of us shouting lines at each other in little fast-food restaurants are over. We had some marvelous memories (and inside jokes to boot). <3 Love you all. 

Precious Abba Father, 
Again, what can I say? It's been another year since I last posted something similar. Thank you for showing me joy in all circumstances. I can't imagine life... without You. You still amaze me each day. New life every morning. New grace every hour. Your plan every step of the way. I love You. 

With Love, 
