The Birthday Tea~

My beautiful, sweet sister Alexandrea is now officially a teenager, as of last Thursday.
I'm feeling old=P

But, to make up for that, ;), I had the priviledge of being able to decorate the tea-table. I picked a nice shady spot under the tree, and made it as girlish and fancy to my heart's content, borrowing this, snagging that, until in my feminine eyes, it was perfect. The L-rd blessed us with a truly beautiful spring-time day. We were free to play croquet in the backyard without bundling up. In fact, we even {attempted} some humongous tea-hats. As you can imagine, those did not last very long=)

My camera and I... were content.

This was staged;)
We would never do this to each other. Ever~
Cassie looking on as I attempt to catch Tiffani from flying {not literally of course} into the water=)

I love these sweet little sisters of mine <3

Aunty Eunice and Marmee

Miss Bethany and Miss Melissa

Happy 13th, Birthday, Alexandrea! <3 You are the best middle sister ever, and I love you so much. Joy!

Thanks for reading, and many blessings. Until next time...

Article and Photography Copyright of Sierra Brewer & Fresh Joys Photography, 2012. If you would like to use, please contact me at Thank you:-)