Making Christmas Memories {4}

What have you been doing to get ready for Christmas?
1) Musik-ness
Yes, yes, another Point of Grace song. But Alexandrea and I have been singing this one every Christmas {either at home, retirements homes, etc.} for years. And it's a classic. Plus it's a favorite. And it makes me sigh with contentedness every time I hear it.

See? ;)

2) Adore: The King of kings and L-rd of lords

"He who is blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and L-rd of lords." -1 Timothy 6:15

What do you think of when you see a crown? I always think of a king... and of all the names given to Jesus, I don't believe any describes His power and majesty better than the name King of kings and L-rd of lords. Jesus has the highest rank of all. He rules over everyone... even all the kigns and rulers of the earth- are subject to Him.

Comfort. Why should I worry when my King holds all things in the palm of His hands? In Psalm 2:6-12, G-d tells the kings and judges to "worship the L-rd with reverence, and rejoice with trembling." He also tells them to give honor to G-d's Son, Jesus. G-d promises that if the kings and jduges and rulers will trust Him and obey Him, He will bless them.
G-d wants everyone- even the men who are kings and leaders ofa ll nations- to honor and obey His Son. He was, after all, the One that put them in that position. The Bible says that He is the sovereign King and L-rd. That means Jesus is all-powerful, all-wise, and in control of everything that happens in the world... and in our lives.
A song that always makes me smile is, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." When I taught Sunday-School a while back, it was one of the little girl's favorite songs. This was the "ham" of the class. If we talked about Noah's ark, she would talk about how her dad or her friend accidentally flooded the bathroom.

Yet, almost every week, she could be seen playing by herself in a little corner, whisper-singing, oblivious to anyone or anything else, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands..." Who knows if she knew exactly what it meant? I jsut love that at four years old, she was singing about Who was truly in control of her life.
Although we aren't kings, we need to be like the wise men, who came to Jesus, bowing before Him- as one king from a country would show respect for another king- the wise-men were telling Jesus that He was a greater king than they were. We need to honor Jesus as our King... by trusting serving, and obeying Him. That's the gift Jesus wants you to give Him this Christmas.

I hope you all had a merry December 21st, Friends!