"Spontaneous" Scriptures

This morning dawned chill and crisp. A beautiful morning.

Sometimes, I just need spontaneity in my Bible readings... but sometimes, not so spontaneous after all. I love, so much, that G-d knows just what I need, or He knows exactly what He wants to show/teach me through His Word... talking to Him.. listening to Him.

This morning, I had Latin II to get to (online) by 6:30am. I am a bleary-eyed morning person. Sometimes. And in order not to let "exhaustion" set in and get to me, I must needs have my prayer time with my Abba. Preferably as the morning dawns~ beautiful, bright, clear and new. Just like He's recreating me.

Anywho, this morning was just "one of those mornings" where I needed that "spontaneous" Scripture from Jesus.

L-rd, put my finger on the verse You want me to read.

And He did. Jesus took me to Isaiah 1:16, on the first flip of the pages.

Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
 17Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
-Isaiah 1:16-17

Lately, I've been thinking to myself (or rather, G-d's been giving me thoughts, books, lectures, etc. that "hint") that there are other things so much more important than little, old, simple me. I mean, I knew that before. But now in a deeper sense.

I want to go out and stop poverty, and bring the light to my brothers and sisters... but really, how capable am I? Trust... I must trust.

I want to reach others, my generation, with the L-rd's message of purity... and really, it is G-d who plants the seed. Purity Week is not my project- it's G-d's! And really, without Him, I am nothing.

Nothing at all.

Anywho (again), reading on in Isaiah...

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the L-rd: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
 19If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
-Isaiah 1:18-19

This- this- was exactly what I needed this morning. And it literally brought me to tears realizing His goodness. Oh, friends! What a beautiful, precious, promise this is, that He has given to us- to me!

Throughout the verses, it seems that G-d is pleading with Israel, calling her name... because He loves her so much! But (in Isaiah) will she listen?

So- I need to ever have my heart open to my Abba Father- that way, whenever He calls, I might answer Him, with all of my heart.

Yes, Father. I am listening.
Your servant is ready.

Would I, could I, right now, drop everything right away to go where He tell me to?

And go if He asks me to?

A MrJ song comes to mind...
Where You lead, there will I follow You
when You call, there will I go.
Though the path be easy,
path be hard
I will go just where You show.

I will follow You
Through the darkest night, or the brightest day.
I will follow in Your ways...


Article and Pictures Copyright of Sierra Brewer, 2011
If you wish to use, kindly email hishandmaiden.theblog@gmail.com for permission.