Wednesday Weekly Favorites {Week 3} & *Words* Winner

Hello Friends,

Here is another round of Wednesday Weekly Favorites=)

Kelsey, take your pick=)

~My Favorite Things from This Week~

1) My Daddy taking me golfing=)
2) Spending time with Grace-Hope
3) Watching Aunty Eunice get surprised by Marmee and Alexandrea=D

~My Favorite Bible Verse from This Week~
"And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new... It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost. He who overcomes shall inherit these thing, and I will be His G-d, and he will be My son." ~Revelation 21:5-7

~Favorite Picture from This Week~
Beautiful sister, no?

~Favorite Posts~
Perception and Expectation by Rachel at Maid for More
He Does All Things Well by Melanie over at Forever His Servant
~Our Merciful Shepherd~ by Kelsie-Anne over at Kelsie's Wonderful Adventures
Always a Time by Annie over at Pixels and Stories
When Confrontation is Necessary by ~Miss Raquel over at God's Daughter

~Favorite Quote~
"To be lovely, to be genteel,to be reserved and yet friendly,to be bubbly and yet calm,to run harder than ever yet to know when to sit still,to speak when I have something important to sayand hold my tongue whenI do strive and yet to depend,to be vivacious and yet posses a quiet spirit,This is to be a lady. This is what I truly desire."
It's now on my sidebar.

~Favorite Songs~
The One Thing by Paul Colman
You Love Me Anyway by Sidewalk Prophets
Be Born in Me by Francesca Battistelli
Born for This by Mandisa
Hold Me by Jamie Grace


And this week's photography challenge winner is

Congratulations, Carli! That was a beautiful photo=)
(Go to her flickr page listed on the post below to see)

This week's photo challenge (suggested by my friend Katherine;) is
friendship and family.
Because my sisters are two of my closest friends=)
I'm really excited to see what you come up with for this one...

Each photo must link back to ~His Handmaiden~
The photo must be taken by you=)
You do not need to have a blog to enter; a flickr or facebook link is fine.
Absolutely no inappropriate links/entries, or else your entry will be deleted. I preivew all comments.
The photo challenge will end on October 29th.
Have loads of FUN!
I'll be posting my top picks (if I get enough, otherwise I will post all of them as I've been doing) and will leave a vote on the sidebar so y'all can pick, too=)

Have a lovely, blessed day~! Any favorites you've had this week? I'd love to hear about 'em!