Purity Week

yes, i'm re~posting. jade from enchanted whimsy has some beautiful, and true to her name, whimsical posts... and all give glory to our G-d. if you're not already connected with her i suggest you go follow her right away=)

personally, truly~

I would rather have a Robin Hood who cares not for what men think of him, who lives for adventure, who whole heartedly gives his life to the least in his King's country and because of this, has no possessions to speak of, than a Prince Charming who would whisk me off to a castle of comfort and ease and a life where we do nothing that matters...but that's just me. So, the conclusion is that I am not waiting for Prince Charming after all, but Robin Hood...:-) 

oh, yes, but i'm a romantic girl. notice when i say, 'a'. i'm the first one to, 'awwwww!' at something sweet (many can attest;). when alexandrea and i watch love's enduring promise, i absolutely melt when missie and willie are at their first home in the middle of no-where, and missie confronts willie when he's about to go in, and he scoops her up and carries her over the threshold. and i'm  always the first one to cry at happy endings in a book or movie.
get my point?

the catch is where i say 'a' romantic. i can't wait 'till, in a few years or several, whichever the L-rd best sees fit, my future husband picks me up to carry me over the threshold of our new home... but he will be my future husband who does this... not any guy on the street. i'm saving my gifts for him. and i know, i promise right now, that he will appreciate it, just as i will appreciate his waiting for me.

i suppose this is the right time to announce my latest project, 'purity week.'

i'm sooooo super excited about this:) i have some wonderful guest-posters lined up for every day, and my prayer is that you will be blessed, strengthened, fulfilled, re-juvenated, because sister {or brother}, the world (alas!) is not going to like the fact that you've pledged yourself to to purity... rather, is it going to try to persuade, trap, and trick you.

there will also be a forum set up for you to comment, or you can join in on this pledge by a simple challenge/post i will be giving each day; and there will be a giveaway as well. you can go ahead and grab the button from the right sidebar, and link up at the end of this post (when purity week begins;) so that others can see what you come up with if you participating:) if not, grab the button anyways to get others involved~!

want to help with 'Purity Week'? leave a comment with a question/idea to involve others.
