The L-rd's Day

In the same way, you wives, be subissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the Word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives... and let not your adornment be merely external... but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of G-d... you husbands likewise, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman; and grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life...
-1 Peter 3:1,3-4, &7

Verse 1~ After marriage, the women (wives) must submit to their (own) husbands in the L-rd. They (me, later) need to show respect, and be an example to other young women who watch them. 
Verse 3-4~ True beauty is all about submission, and the heart... and can be practiced now.
Verse 7~ Femininity... is not about equality; instead, it's all about submission to authority; in future, my husband. Therefore, I am to practice submission now (1 Peter 2:13-25), as a daughter.

I recently changed my email to visionarydamsel (etc). I said damsel instead of daughter because when I think of damsel, I think of a princess... but what I really mean is visionary daughterhood. Two words that sound elegant and are actually simple in their meaning; and two words that sound old-fashioned, but actually changed my life. Visionary, when I looked it up in the thesaurus, pulled up words like, “Unpractical, idealistic, fanciful (and my favorite=P)- far-sighted.” *sigh* Sometimes I don’t understand the world. Daughterhood…. Or rather, daughter. What does it mean to you to be a daughter?  Again, thesaurus definitions don’t work; instead it comes up with such words as, “offspring, descendent; and spawn” (spawn… can you believe THAT? Like where did that come from?!?!). 
            In a CD I recently listened to, Victory for Daughters, four very encouraging young women I look up and am inspired by spoke on this very subject. Kelly Brown, Sarah Zes, Rebecca Zes, and Hannah Zes, have all been schooled at home. Some of them grew up as tomboys and only later discovered the value of visionary femininity and daughterhood, but that makes them more inspiring to me, since they saw their error, and made an effort to change their ways to truly become "princesses" of Christ, in His image.
            They not only focus on the aspects of Biblical femininity, but they show just how a daughter can practice being a help-meet for her family. This is my goal right now in my home. And when I grow up, L-rd willing, I will practice being a modern-day pioneer woman, one who delights in my Abba; and treasures the time He gives me right now to practice submission.

Have a blessed L-rd's Day, Friends!

in Him,