Worries and Reflections

(Pause playlist at bottom of page)

Not worrying is hard for me. It's so easy to just pray it all away, and go to sleep in peace knowing that G-d will take care of it for you... and then you wake up the next morning, worrying.

What my Marmee pointed out to me that is so important is that when you worry, you take it back from G-d... you don't fully surrender! And of course the devotional I read this morning (right before my 6:30AM Latin Course) ties right in.

The first paragraph simply leapt out... Accept each day exactly as it comes to you. By that, I mean not only the circumstances of your day, but also the conditions of your body. Your assignment is to trust Me absolutely, resting in My sovereignty and faithfulness.
-Sarah Young, Jesus Calling, September 8th, pg. 263.

That last sentence brought me to tears... how often do I neglect my assignment to my Abba? If it is only to give Him my worries... how I fail in that. And yet, He knows how my day is going to turn out, so of course He can feel for me, and give me that patience I so desire (and so lack..). How He loves us... and how unworthy am I, even in the small thigns that will benefit me!!! ... He's always been faithful.

The above song is so dear to me... give me Jesus... all day... all the night... in everything He gives us... in every problem... in every dream... I want- I need my Jesus.

One thought to leave you with~what would life be like if we let Jesus live through you and me?


Articles and All Pictures Copywrite of Sierra Brewer, 2011