Sweet Surrender...

No matter what, I'm gonna love You
No matter what, I'm gonna need You
I know that You can find a way
to keep me from the pain,
but if not, I'll trust You
No matter what...

~Kerrie Roberts, No Matter What
Pause player at the bottom

Coming to the foot of the cross... to rest my head on His knee... to spill all my thoughts and worries... to renew, just renew... this is what He's given me.

And I am so undeserving...

Hello Friends,

It's a beautiful morning in September... the weather is finally feeling like it's cooling down... a gift from our Abba, I'm sure... and the above song has been on repeat on my playlist...

I've been testing... the past week... I'm half-way through the wonderful language of Latin... those of you who know me well know just how much I'm fascinated by all the different languages... and I'm so excited!

Today, however... I was in the midst of completing my last-ever high-school essay... and my Marmee called me out for lunch. Lunch is our reading time... and today she selected Hinds' Feet on High Places. I absolutely love this book... if you haven't read it I highly suggest it...

Anyhoo... an exerpt stood out to me... and I felt the need to share it... I believe this will be my prayer for the month of September...

as soon as i saw this flower in the sidewalk crack, i thought of the below story...
Linking Up to His Sparrow's Photo Challenge 

“On the last morning, Much-Afraid made a lovely discovery as she went for a walk… at the place where they landed was the first growing thing she had seen in the desert. It was a beautiful little golden flower. Much-Afraid knelt close to it and asked softly, “What is your name, lovely flower?”
“The tiny plant seemed to answer at once with a voice as golden as itself. “I am Acceptance-With-Joy.”
Much-Afraid thought of the things she had seen in the pyramid: the threshing-floor, the potter’s wheel, and the fiery furnace. The words of the little golden flower echoed in her mind and she said to herself, “I too want to be Acceptance-With-Joy. Whatever He lets me go through, I want to rust Him and allow Him to have His way with my life. And I want to do it with joy in my heart.”
-Hannah Hurnard, Hinds Feet on High Places, page 47
Grain being ground into flour… clay on the potter’s wheel… the furnace purifying gold… the teacup. None of these sound very nice to go through.  Every time we feel pressure, and the heat is being turned up on our lives, G-d wants us to joyfully accept. “I don’t understand, but I trust You, Jesus.”

Linking up to Kelsey's photo challenge.
Oh, Abba… when hard things happen, help me to be Acceptance-With-Joy… trusting, unquestioning, submissive… knowing You are my constant… You are looking after me! I don’t want to be a lump of baked clay, but one of soft clay in Your hands… I don’t want to be a rock, I want to be precious, pure, undefiled lovely gold… for You.

^linking up the above ^

“When He has tried me I shall come forth as pure gold.” -Job 23:10


Article and all pictures, Copywrite, 2011, Sierra Brewer