Lemon Zest Muffins {because of His grace}

These are a Few of My Favorite Things: Only a few of you can remember my first Toastmasters' speech when I was 10 years old... the infamous Icebreaker speech. Who are you? How old? Letting everyone get to know me was hard, since there were (and still are, I might add) only a few whom I am able to really open up to... I'm not shy, but I can be timid and fairly quiet when I feel like I'm around people who will not accept me for who G-d made me to be... and a couple of years ago I realized that I was not acting for my Creator... I was acting for ME with selfishness. There's a reason G-d gave me whatever He did... and for me to (not necessarily hide it, but-) not let it show is like hiding my candle under a bush. It's still a struggle... but one that I only have to look at my purity ring for the answer- Phil. 4:13 is on it- "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." Isn't our Abba wonderful?!

And Now Moving On~

Mina is having a photo challenge... featuring favorite things. HARD!!! I could choose so many favorite things... my sister Grace-Hope said, "Well, of course I have to be in it!" Sorry, Darling, not this time... you're not a thing- I love you too much! Same with my Bible... when I first thought of favorite things, I thought of that. But my Bible is living to me. It's my source of life... and so, that didn't work for me, either.

I decided I needed a picture that could reflect something I enjoyed... but also something that as simple as it is, G-d was reminding me of.

I chose lemon zest muffins... people say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

That's great. But it's also wonderful to think, "G-d gives me lemons so I can be a polished stone for Him!" Now that's some amazing lemonade, isn't it? ;)

Linking Up
So Mina, here is my entry. Cooking/baking-  something I love to do. Muffins- I love to eat. Lemons- add flavor to life for a greater purpose.... His greater purpose.

thanks, friends!

Article and All Pictures, Copywrite of Sierra Brewer, 2011