Giveaway and Interview with Proud Owner

Today... two announcements and a reminder~

First of all~ my sweet sister Alexandrea is having her first official giveaway on her blog, ~Baskets and Baking~... and she has four lovely prizes! Click here to go enter! This is not necessarily a "new" blog, but it's her first serious one... so go support her, okay?

^This^ is a picture taken by moi- unedited... and un-watermarked. If I may kindly ask that you please contact me before using, that would be great. All my work is protected by copywrite.

Secondly~ my little sister Grace-Hope decided she would like a blog of her own on Friday night to show case her lego creations (I type, she dictates;) So down we sat then, and put it to work.

Here is her message to you:

What would you like to tell them?

I'm Grace-Hope. Come follow my blog. Bye.

Would you like to say something about legos?


You sure?

Legos are fun.

End interview here.

Enough said? It would mean soooooooooo much if you came to follow her blog, Grace-Hope's Legos. And left her comments. And I would so appreciate it =) Thanks, y'all!

And don't forget to enter the September Giveaway! Hurry though, it ends tonight!

Oh~ and for all my friends out in the phone world, I have been phone-less for a while...not for long;) I'll be contacting you soon!
Have a lovely day, my Friends! G-d bless!