for marmee.

today is my marmee's birthday.
 fifteen years and four months ago, my mom became a marmee.

she always makes time to listen.

and understand.

and have fun, crazy times. with us=D

and, just for the record, she taught this little person how to smile, crazily and beautifully.

she's constantly trying to grow in her walk with G-d. she's there if I need her. she's youthful, beautiful, and still has big dreams! we can tease each other and have fun together... literally;)

thank You, Abba! for picking her out of anybody else in the world to be my example. for bringing her to You when she most needed You in her life. it's hard to imagine that You had planned her life out from the beginning... and i am so thankful for that... she is the best mom anyone could've ever had and I love her to death!

you. are. the best.

all my love,

"Her children rise up and call her blessed;
      Her husband also, and he praises her:
        “ Many daughters have done well,
      But you excel them all.”
       Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
      But a woman who fears the L-rd, she shall be praised."
-Proverbs 31: 28-30

Article and all pictures. Copywrite, 2011, Sierra Brewer