Lists of Random Thoughts and Lessons on Life

How was everyone's Independence Day? What did y'all do? Our family was blessed by Marmee (unexpectedly) getting to stay home from work that day. We spent the day just relaxing as a family; and then that afternoon headed over to the new local little water-park. Since we live in a place where we have broken records with 132 degree summers in the past, it was so nice to go cool off. Actually we've had "cooler" weather- only 117 degrees is indeed cooler than expected to us.


So many different things have been going on lately. As you can see I've pretty much neglected my little blogger here. Except for the photography challenge, this is the first time I've posted in July. And the photography challenge doesn't necessarily count, does it?  Speaking of which, no one has submitted anything =( I'm sad, y'all.

And that doesn't mean I'm going to be back posting every day either. Just for a heads up, I'm going to be out of town this week, at a camp in Monticello College in Utah. I'm *super* excited. Actually excited doesn't even begin to describe it- I'm giddy. Delighted. Thrilled. Elated. Overjoyed. Meaning- no verse of the day this week. I'll get back to it the week after, I promise.

<~ <~ <~ I love this child. By the way.

 Grace-Hope turned seven late last month. She's been counting down the days for the past three weeks. (I seriously just typed seven years.. lol) If I could ask y'all to leave a little birthday note for her.. she'd love it =) She's so big. This is crazy... my little Gracie-Hopie is growing up!!!! Call me dramatic if you wish- I'd consider it a compliment=P Since we actually spent the day in Rancho Cucamonga for Shakespeare practice, she got to have a little party with all the little siblings of the Shakespeare troupe. I love those people.

We successfully completed another year of Shakespeare. Julius Caesar hit the theatres[;)] on June 30th, June 31st, and July 1st. I'll be posting pictures soon. *Thought: I have to stop promising pictures, y'all. I still have to post the receptions pics.* =P

Something I am really l-o-v-i-n-g lately- my camera~!
Need I say more?


And now ends the first section of the title. And now on to "Lessons on Life."

This morning, our guest speaker Chuck Deveaux gave a highly interesting message on Eternal Life, stirring up a doozy of thoughts, epiphanies, etc. G-d has truly blessed Mr. Deveaux in his teaching- he is truly at one with the Spirit.

And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life,[a] and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.
-1 John 5:11-13

In vs. 11 {Eternal Life}: G-d gives eternal life. Where is it? In His Son.
In vs. 13 {Eternal Life}: And when we have the Son we have eternal life.
In vs. 13 {Eternal Life}: He who has the Son has life. G-d gives us a pure understanding particularly for knowing Him who is true. He is in us when we’re in Him.
(For those of you whom are apologetics-people (i.e., enjoy “arguing” for your faith), this is a good verse on the three-in-one nature of G-d.

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. -1 John 5:20
Here we go: eternal life is much more than living forever. All human beings live forever; the question is where, and if they have eternal life. There is a difference, a big one. Verse twenty, as verse twelve said as well, points out again that only those who have the Son possess eternal life.

Regeneration is a flawless capacity to love as He loves; to be like Him in word and deed; to experience the real life of G-d and the quality of it. He has renewed us and restored us as His children. But- before I was “His child” He still loved me. 

Controversially, when people ask if they need to give up something that is a part of their lifestyle that is in the world in order to have Jesus, we should say no. Jesus will change them- but since when they accept Him He should be King of their lives, it will immediately phase that this is not in accordance with His plans for their lives.

“Don’t confuse the living out of life with the gift of eternal life. The freedom of growing in grace is all coming with being in love with the Master.”
~Chuck Deveaux

Why am I here? Again I am in awe of Him and His precious, always perfect plans...

Until next week, then~! =)

Abiding in His love,