Ponderings on Duty as a Christian

"Herein is my duty 
to be as Christ in this world, 
to do what he would do, 
to live as he would live, 
to walk in love and meekness, 
then would he be known, 
then would I have peace in death."

~"The Valley Of Vision" (page 23)
Just some thoughts to ponder... I found this quote on Elisabeth Joy's page, and it is extremely thought-provoking..
To be as Christ in this world- ah, how am I doing so right now?
To do as He would do? Holy and perfect and always righteous in the sight of G-d?
To live as He would live? How I wish, how I pray I were so.. I want to be my Jesus' refined vessel.
To walk in love and meekness? It's easy for me to love my friends, family, etc... and a meek and quiet spirit is something I always pray about. When it comes to my "enemies" though (people I'd rather not be with..), I struggle. And that's when I find such conviction- Christ came to save the sinners. Am I not a sinner as the next person?

I have a feeling I'll be thinking about this for the next several months- I know I saw it for a reason.. can't wait to write it in my prayer journal. How about you? Have you seen/read/heard any quotes lately that have lead to what you think G-d is trying to tell you?  I'd love to hear some sharing!

I haven't posted any photography lately, but I think I captured a nice shot of some lemon-lime and mint water- refreshing and delicious=) Thanks, Alexandrea <3

Resting in His arms,
Sierra Mackenzie