200th Post... & Graduation Pics=)

Here are... the graduation pictures. I find it almost fitting for it to be the 200th post, and for these to be posted. This blog has gone wayyy farther than I ever expected it to. I never thought I would actually be able to post, let alone 200 times.
Thank You G-d~! for giving me the perseverence- and inspiration though Your Word.

Anyways... this will have to be a two-part post as well. We were only able to figure out these pictures for the time being. In addition to these, there are pictures of other parts of the graduation, then the piano recital, then the receception.

Oh, goodness. Another several-thousand word post;)
Marmee, Me, and Daddy. They gave their "talk" and presented me with my diploma. Emotional moment for all. I actually started tearing up..

The Graduates=D
Top Row: Tyler, Daniel, LJ
Bottom Row: Andrea, Hannah M., Hannah S., Moi, and Karleigh

Class of 2011. Wow.

Walkin' Down..

I'm Pretty Sure We're Watching a Funny Picture There=)

The Prayer

Moving the Tassels...

And that's all for now... thanks for "reading." =) More pics later..